What is Bio-augmentation and what is the dilemma?

This Bioremediation method of adding microbes to an ecosystem to reduce harmful substances. Of the most troublesome being sulfides, VFAs (volatile fatty acids) and FOGs (fats, oil and grease)

Why is this important to me?

If you have ever drank water,  then odds are you have ingested these substances. If you have ever used a restroom or disposed of waste, you have left a footprint of these by products

Wastewater and Sewage already uses Biology.

Correct; however, bio-augmented ecosystems work parabolically more efficiently in eradicating waste

It can't be that much of a difference can it?

Our data and supplemental research has seen rapid drops in sulfides and acids with our sludge remedy and similar levels in our FOG remedy

Can't chemicals do a better job?

Tested facilities mainly consisted of chemically treated water and non bio-augmented ecosystems. Meaning, chemicals have done nothing to reduce waste build up in infrastructure

How is it supposed to clean infrastructure any better?

Most damage comes from sulfides, sludge and volatile fatty acids. All of which we remedy with our trusted microscopic workforce

How safe is it introducing more biology?

Did we mention that the byproduct of these bio-augmented microbes is water? Lets also add no harmful gases as a byproduct from metabolism either

What's in it for you?

Cleaning our water is key to maintaining our natural processes. Our goal is to universally achieve sustainability with our ecosystems and communities

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